Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Musings on '08...

New Friends, My first Daytona 500, Home for Thanksgiving, Kenny Chesney Show in Cola SC with the girls, Kid Rock "All Summer Long", visits with friends in Cola & Charlotte, Gary Allen Living Hard, my scavenger hunt B-day party, WHS Class of '88 Reunion weekend, the Twilight book series, old friends, meeting ChuckWicks-JasonMichaelCarroll-LittleBigTown-LadyAntebellum-HeidiNewfield-ClintBlack in the Wolf's Den, getting an autographed Taylor Swift pic for my niece (the best gift EVER she said), Instinct Phone, finally having bedroom furniture that matches and I didn't have to put together, My break-up, Shinedown The Sound of Madness, getting closer with the girlies at work, discovering Rooster Red Wine from Weathervane Winery, learning that I am one of the strongest people I know even when I think I can't handle another second (I CAN), laughing till I cried, discovering Jason Mraz-Katy Perry-Kate Voegle music, getting back in touch with tons of old friends via Facebook, WHS Indiana state B-Ball champs, Jeff Dunham, All American Rejects' cover of "Womanizer", Perez Hilton, friends' blogs, Lipstick Jungle, "I'm Leavin'" by Jesse McCartney, friends' babies born (Gunnar Mein) and on the way (Bryce Nelson), friends' marriages (Angie & Matt, Nikki & Joe, Terri & Chris), Carolina Panthers games & winning season, tailgating at Wake Forest games

The TV writers' strike, not spending enough time with family, My break-up, any movie with Michael Meyers or Adam Sandler, meeting JoDee Messina, those lousy 12 extra pounds, not enjoying leisure activities enough, Bucky Covington "I'll Walk", The millions of reality shows and spinoffs of reality shows taking the place of quality TV comedies & dramas, gas prices, IU Hoosiers beginning of B-ball season, Tyler Zeller breaking his hand 3 games into UNC season, beginning the last year of my 30's

May your cup overflow with happiness and love in 2009! xoxo

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas to meeeee....

My sweet Aunt Jeri & Uncle Richie sent me some Christmas money and made me promise not to spend it on bills, so I indulged in a pretty new necklace...don't you love it??

We should sing Korean songs...

We don't try to sing in Korean, and NO ONE should attempt Mariah Carey (especially this song), so I'm not sure what this guy was thinking. But it is horribly hilarious!
**Side note - does his lyric sheet not include any "S's"?? What is "Mr. Toe"?

I have a new crush...

His quirky ways caught my eye, and I love his latest song "I'm Yours", but after watching this (hilarious) video, I officially have a crush on Jason Mraz! You will too..:)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The "Pole in the Hole" game...LOL

This is hilarious! I can only imagine how funny it is to play!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Open Hearts

"If your heart is open, love will always find its way in"

I love this necklace :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Birthday is today...

birthday cake Pictures, Images and Photos

Over the past few days, I have felt soooo special! I have been reminded in so many ways what wonderful friends I have! Thru birthday parties, cards, flowers, and myspace and facebook messages, the affection has been amazing, and I appreciate everything, big or small. Even if you just took a tiny second to post a comment, it meant more than you can imagine. It feels SO very good to know that you love me!!!! I wouldn't trade any of that for all the Reese's Cups in the world!

Do I really have to wait a WHOLE year for another one????


Saturday, November 29, 2008


CRAP! I am totally addicted to the Twilight series of books! I can't stop reading! AND...I think I have a huge crush on Edward...CRAP.

twilight movie Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We've been elfed!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

I elfed myself and my 3 best buds, Angie, Gina, and Anita. It is freaking hilarious!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My fab new b-day present to myself...

Check out my designer Jimmy Choo (*cough* foo *cough*) bag! It's soooo fabulous! I felt a little guilty paying $70 for a purse, until I looked up the real one. You must look here...

Heck, I got a DEAL! ;)

Sometimes I like to be wrong....really.

In regards to an earlier post, hopefully, someone jumped the gun. My friend's blog-buddy may have proved me wrong on this call....PUH-leeeze be right! Cuz we needs more Kirby, Rodrigo, and Joe...oh yeah - and Wendy, Niko, and Victory of course!!

TICK you hear that?? Yeah, that's me.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

They always cancel the ones I like! Wah...

I just read the following article, and although I was DVR-ing MOWE (mainly b/c I love Christian Slater), I hadn't had a chance to get into it yet. The second part of the announcement is what really upsets me...

NBC has canceled its new spy thriller "My Own Worst Enemy," a show it had promoted heavily during its Olympics telecasts in hopes that it would help revive the struggling network's lineup. Also out is its female drama "Lipstick Jungle," one of a number of new shows whose momentum was stalled by the Hollywood writers strike earlier this year.

Wah! I love that show! It's my new "Sex and the City" and every week I can't wait to watch a new episode! Strong female characters with a tight friendship, good storylines, and hot male eye candy (Kirby and Rodrigo...yummy) What's not to love?? It is totally not fair that it got cut short by the writers' strike and then was never "re-introduced". What crap!! I'm thinking of starting a campaign of sending lipstick tubes to NBC in protest...hey it worked for "Jericho" with the peanuts - at least for one season.

If you don't watch the show, here is some of what you have been (and apparently will be) missing out on...
Kirby in the first pic and Rodrigo in the 2nd - I think I am going to cry...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Things I Don't Understand...

1) Why people (especially men) must back into parking can back in, or back out, but either way, there will be some backing involved. Backing out is about a thousand times easier (witness the guy in the Wal-mart parking lot who held up 3 cars b/c he couldn't back his truck in just right...). Do you think we are impressed??? Seriously, what is the point??

2) Why fast-food coffee has to be the temperature of molton lava, AND they fill it to the tippy-top so there is no room for cream & sugar.

3) Why everything I really want to do happens on the same day, and other days there's not a dang thing in the world to do.

4) Men. (ha...just had to throw that one in there for s&g's*)

That's all for now...

*sh#ts & giggles

Thursday, November 6, 2008


How hot are these boots?? Loves them!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Heart Taylor Swift

This girl is too cute! Check out her latest video blog...she gets in a dig at Joe Jonas (he broke up with her by phone) and there are a ton of superstar cameos at the end promoting her new album. Love her!!

November 11th.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

No matter the outcome, warm fuzzies to you if you voted, today or early!


Now that's a Halloween Costume!

WOW...check out Heidi Klum's Halloween costume!! Soooo fierce!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dance Fever!

This video is fabulous! It's a happy reminder that outside of the "bad people" living everywhere, most humans, no matter where you are on the planet, really aren't that different. We all want to have fun and be happy...and we all really love to dance ;)

(for more on Matt, the dancing guy, go to )

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Voting is something that has always been important to me. My mom worked for the local government and made sure I was registered as soon as I turned 18, and that I knew I had a voice and should let it be heard. But although it is a duty I have always willfully fullfilled, I haven't always done it with the proper knowledge to make educated choices. And many times found myself voting a straight ticket because I knew nothing about the candidates. This time was going to be different...

This time I wanted to make sure I did my own research, especially on the candidates not running for president - governor, senate, commissioner of agriculture, you name it. I was going to be informed by more than just the mudslinging television commercials!

I spent almost 3 hours on the computer today, researching, reading, comparing...

I'm more confused now than when I started.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm crafty!

Every once in a while I get a wild hair to get usually comes when I see something in a magazine that looks fairly easy (not from Martha Stewart Living - ha!) The change of seasons or a holiday coming inspires me too. Here's my latest creation!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More things that do NOT suck...

Today I have two things that make my world a happier place:

1) Going thru a Drive-Thru and having the window person not only be nice, but actually friendly and engaging! Wednesday morning we had a station event at the Biscuitville on Wendover in Greensboro. I went thru to get a Country Ham & Egg Bicuit (my favorite, but Bojangles is better) and coffee before heading to the station, and the man at the money window was awesome! He took my debit card, joked about checking my ID (it says on the back to do that) by asking the employee behind him if he could vouch for me, and even bothered to get my name off the card and say "thank you Krista, have a great day!" The people who work those windows have no idea how much power they hold in their interactions that pass thru those little folding glass doors. And since it is so rare to even get a "thank you" these days, the attitude of that man really brightened my day. Keep it up, Biscuitville are a role model to service people everywhere!

2) Butter Spray. I love this stuff. You can spray it on vegetables, potatoes, toast, anything that you want the taste of butter on, but not the fat & calories. It has NONE of either of those so you can spray all you want! And it really does taste dang close to butter!! My favorite is on popcorn - I'm actually a bit obsessive about it, spraying every handful before I eat it. Thanks to butter spray, I now eat popcorn for dinner waaaay too often. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray rocks my popcorny world.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A reason, A season, or a lifetime

There is a saying that says something like "people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime". It is so very true... and the funny thing is that it's usually the ones you don't expect that end up being important for a lifetime.

We meet people so randomly - thru friends or family, work, or our significant others. Each person you meet is sort of like receiving a gift - you have no idea what is inside...a fabulous sweater that will comfort you and keep you warm for many years to come, or an ugly nic-nac that doesn't match anything else in your life and you try to keep it around for a while (it was a gift, after all), but eventually it will end up being donated to Goodwill.

My friend Toni is one of those unexpected fabulous gifts. We met thru my ex, and she was "his" friend. I always thought she was cool, but didn't get really close to her while he and I were together. As that relationship was crumbling, I turned to her, thinking at the time she might be able to talk some sense into him or something, but I came out of it with something so much better...she became "my" friend, too. And now, 4+ years later, I am very proud to call her one of my best friends. (and football-watching buddy...I especially miss her this time of year!)

I guess what I am saying is never overlook the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends...yes, every once in a while you will open up a ShamWow or Ronco Potato Peeler, but there's always the chance that you just might find that warm comforting sweater you've been craving. ;)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October...Things That Do Not Suck Month!

(My friend Jackie inspired me to start a blog. I don't know that I have much to say, but it's better to say it in a blog and share it with the world than to continue talking to myself, dontcha think?)

A fellow blogger declared October "Things that Do Not Suck" Month. Hmmm...such a simple thought about simple things, but our lives would be a little less cheery without them. Here's my first...

(**Disclaimer - if you are someone who doesn't like TV or is disturbed by someone who watches a LOT of TV, you should stop reading this, and probably all future blogs by me. I LOVE TV...there, I said it)
I never knew I wanted, much less needed, a DVR, but thanks to my former roommate Nikki who insisted we add it to our cable package when she moved in, my life (and TV watching habits) has been forever changed! Now I don't have to feign sickness to skip dinner/work meetings/surgery in favor of watching ER/Grey's Anatomy/America's Next Top Model/Lipstick Jungle/Heroes/etc, I have them at my disposal AND gloriously commercial free! Like magic, it knows to record only the new episodes, and even pauses thru the summer and begins again when the new fall season starts. An extra added treat is when you save up a bunch of episodes and can have a Sunday marathon or even watch them thru the summer when nothing else good is on. Thank you DVR inventor!! You have created something that definitely does NOT suck!

Throughout the month (and probably after) I will post more things that I think do not suck. Feel free to add your own to this list!!
