Saturday, November 29, 2008


CRAP! I am totally addicted to the Twilight series of books! I can't stop reading! AND...I think I have a huge crush on Edward...CRAP.

twilight movie Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, November 23, 2008

We've been elfed!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

I elfed myself and my 3 best buds, Angie, Gina, and Anita. It is freaking hilarious!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My fab new b-day present to myself...

Check out my designer Jimmy Choo (*cough* foo *cough*) bag! It's soooo fabulous! I felt a little guilty paying $70 for a purse, until I looked up the real one. You must look here...

Heck, I got a DEAL! ;)

Sometimes I like to be wrong....really.

In regards to an earlier post, hopefully, someone jumped the gun. My friend's blog-buddy may have proved me wrong on this call....PUH-leeeze be right! Cuz we needs more Kirby, Rodrigo, and Joe...oh yeah - and Wendy, Niko, and Victory of course!!

TICK you hear that?? Yeah, that's me.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

They always cancel the ones I like! Wah...

I just read the following article, and although I was DVR-ing MOWE (mainly b/c I love Christian Slater), I hadn't had a chance to get into it yet. The second part of the announcement is what really upsets me...

NBC has canceled its new spy thriller "My Own Worst Enemy," a show it had promoted heavily during its Olympics telecasts in hopes that it would help revive the struggling network's lineup. Also out is its female drama "Lipstick Jungle," one of a number of new shows whose momentum was stalled by the Hollywood writers strike earlier this year.

Wah! I love that show! It's my new "Sex and the City" and every week I can't wait to watch a new episode! Strong female characters with a tight friendship, good storylines, and hot male eye candy (Kirby and Rodrigo...yummy) What's not to love?? It is totally not fair that it got cut short by the writers' strike and then was never "re-introduced". What crap!! I'm thinking of starting a campaign of sending lipstick tubes to NBC in protest...hey it worked for "Jericho" with the peanuts - at least for one season.

If you don't watch the show, here is some of what you have been (and apparently will be) missing out on...
Kirby in the first pic and Rodrigo in the 2nd - I think I am going to cry...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Things I Don't Understand...

1) Why people (especially men) must back into parking can back in, or back out, but either way, there will be some backing involved. Backing out is about a thousand times easier (witness the guy in the Wal-mart parking lot who held up 3 cars b/c he couldn't back his truck in just right...). Do you think we are impressed??? Seriously, what is the point??

2) Why fast-food coffee has to be the temperature of molton lava, AND they fill it to the tippy-top so there is no room for cream & sugar.

3) Why everything I really want to do happens on the same day, and other days there's not a dang thing in the world to do.

4) Men. (ha...just had to throw that one in there for s&g's*)

That's all for now...

*sh#ts & giggles

Thursday, November 6, 2008


How hot are these boots?? Loves them!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Heart Taylor Swift

This girl is too cute! Check out her latest video blog...she gets in a dig at Joe Jonas (he broke up with her by phone) and there are a ton of superstar cameos at the end promoting her new album. Love her!!

November 11th.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

No matter the outcome, warm fuzzies to you if you voted, today or early!


Now that's a Halloween Costume!

WOW...check out Heidi Klum's Halloween costume!! Soooo fierce!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dance Fever!

This video is fabulous! It's a happy reminder that outside of the "bad people" living everywhere, most humans, no matter where you are on the planet, really aren't that different. We all want to have fun and be happy...and we all really love to dance ;)

(for more on Matt, the dancing guy, go to )