Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Thought for the day....

“ Some birds mate for life. There’s no divorce in the aviary world, apparently. I think that’s why they fly into windows, it’s the only way out. ”

Robin Fairbanks, improvisational comic (via peerintomywindow via applebloggingjeans)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Do turtles really make that noise??

OMG!! Thanks Jen! Once again proving truth is stranger than fiction...you just can't make up the wonders in Nature. Poor little tennis shoe...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Jealous...table for one

So, as many of you know, I LOVE America's Next Top Model. (This exchange sound familiar? "You take such good pictures!" "Thanks! I watch way too much America's Next Top Model" Yeah, I thought so)

Yes, I must admit to a bit of "envy" that pops out when I see skinny-minny tall 20-somethings that aren't even the "OMGshessohot" typical girl on the street transform into a supermodel with the expertise of Tyra, Mr. Jay, Miss Jay, Nigel (drool), and the judgeofthecycle. But I've always rationalized it with the fact that these type of things weren't available to me when I was that age. Surely they would have made me into a supermodel too if I had had that opportunity. (and they somehow stretched me three inches taller, but whatever)

But Cycle 12 has brought about a different type of envy...the green monster of jealousy has reared it's ugly head in a way completely unforeseen in Cycles 2-11 (I missed Cycle 1 - thankfully b/c that Adrienne girl is a tramp, but I digress) because of one particular girl....KOURTNIE

See, if you are not a watcher of ANTM...here's the process: on the premiere, they bring about 36 girls to LA/NYC and put them thru a photoshoot/interview process, then narrow it down to the top 13, who one-by-one get eliminated each week until the last one standing. In the interview, they usually highlight the quirky/unusual/different thing about a girl that makes them stand out. So...the girls are coming in for their interviews, and of course they are all BEAUTIFUL or they wouldn't be there - duh. There's a weird-looking girl with BIG eyes, a girl with burn scars, crazy girl that dances, etc. Kourtnie walks in and she is very pretty...what makes her stand out? Tyra says, "so I hear you used to date someone famous?" (here I'm thinking guy in Coldplay, Seth Green, whatever) Kourtnie answers, "Yes, DALE EARNHARDT JR.!?!?! and they showed a pic of them together. AAAAAAACK!!!!!

I mean SERIOUSLY??? She gets to date DALE EARNHARDT JR. and be on America's Next Top Model?????? Is there no justice in the world?????

Some girls get all, NO I mean ALL the luck.
Sorry Kourtnie...you may be the nicest girl on the planet...But I hate you.

(*side note: her dating of the DEJr. was approx. 2 yrs ago, and she's only 24 NOW. He is 34...it's ok to throw up in your mouth a little)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Had to pass this on...

This is sooooo very true, I had to share! Thanks Miranda!

Can I just say this...

Couldn’t say it better myself!


there is a reason you can’t find true love on a television show.

because it grows best in the quiet times

when there are no cameras, no prying eyes, no people there to watch it.

It grows in the slow breaths and long silences of a car ride

in the short distance between his shoulder and mine.

Real love is not a fairy tale.

It is not perfect.

It is flawed and difficult

it hurts like hell sometimes.

Real love takes weeks and months and years to become.

It knows the story behind the scars on your ribcage,

your greatest fear,

and what you looked liked at seven.

True love isn’t a contest.

it’s the most unforced and natural of all life’s possibilities.

It’s what happens when you let go of precedents and expectations

and reveal all of yourself, privately and wholly to another soul.

Save tv shows for design contests and cook offs,

let love alone.