Monday, April 13, 2009

Inappropriate much??

What is it about the internet that makes people believe they don't have to have manners, and can say ANYTHING to someone in a Myspace message that they would never DARE say to their face?
For example, I received two such messages in my inbox today. The first was from someone named Michael, who I don't believe I have ever met. (It's hard to know when he doesn't have a profile pic of himself and his page is set to private, but we will assume him to be a stranger) He began by sending me this email:
"Hey! How are you today? Can I ask you something a little off the wall?Michael"
To which I replied "sure". I've been asked similar questions numerous times before, and usually it would have been followed by something having to do with my job in radio. No problem, I'm happy to answer. Ah, but not from Sir Michael! Here is his question:
"I was just wondering if those sexy lips of yours were just for looks, or if you knew how to use them? ;-)"
Seriously????? Someone please show me how to bitch-slap a person over the internet because this guy deserves it in droves.

Email #2 seems a bit tame in comparison, yet still firmly rooted in inappropriate territory. This one comes from someone named "Very Negative" (insert jokes here). Although he is one up on Michael with a profile pic, he didn't have Michael's good manners to ask first if it was ok to ask an "off the wall" question...he just goes straight for it....
Are u interested in becoming friends with benefits?"

Again with the Seriously???? Sorry, Very Negative, but that would require actually becoming friends first. Don't hold your breath...

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